Posts in general learning info
What we do at CAN

We deliver courses to help people live and learn with the brain in mind. All of our courses are geared toward people who want to learn about the brain, whether that’s because of a general interest, because they want to understand how and why other people are the way the are, or because they want to apply this knowledge for the betterment of themselves and others. Neuroscience offers lots of useful knowledge to help us all be better people, to live well, to be healthier, and to care more for our fellow humans.

Hear Dr. Mandy Wintink, our Founding CEO, talking about why and what we do at CAN!

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Workplace Courses vs. In-House

We deliver many of our courses in-house at our main location in Toronto and online. But if you want us to come to you, we can. If you’re a person with decision-making power about trainers to come work with your staff, please contact us and we can discuss your needs. Almost any of our courses could be adapted to your workplace. We also have some courses ready to go for the workplace. If you’re not in a decision-making position, then share our information with someone at your workplace who is and we’d be happy to discuss it with them.

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