
Neuropsychoidiology (NPI, (pronouced NER-OH-SYKE-OH-ID-EE-OLOGY), is awareness-based framework developed by Dr. Mandy Wintink to both teach people about neuroscience in a personally-relevant manner and draw people’s awareness to how their own brain (i.e., neuro) and mind (i.e., psyche) work, by understanding thinking, emotional, and behavioural patterns. 

The course we run is based on this and uses the content from Mandy’s upcoming second book on the subject matter. The book is written in a memoire-style account of various topics including 1) mental health, 2) drug experiences, 3) eating and food, 4) sensitivities and sensory experiences, 5) sexuality and gender, and more. 

The course is structured as a series of discussion groups where students review the material and then come ready to discuss what they learned about their own mind and brain related to the topic of interest.

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