Format & Length of Study

The curriculum is delivered through a combination of lectures, discussions, group work, experiential learning, practicums, readings, and independent study. Some of this is synchronous and some is asynchronous. 

In-Person Format:  The in-person course is in weekend format, consisting of 6 weekends of training. Each week features one asana (physical movement) yoga practice (Saturday morning). The rest of the weekend involves a combination of lectures, discussion, group exercises, independent reflection, and coaching. A separate asynchronous online component is also required that delivers assignments and supplemental resources.

Virtual Format: The online course meets weekly for up to 2 hours with their classmates and teachers to discuss that lesson’s content from our course website and practice peer coaching. The online course has been running since 2015, and through those iterations we’ve refined the course to ensure that we reliably deliver the enthusiastic engagement, connection & sense of community, and individualized attention that has made the Toronto In-Person Life Coaching Certification Course so successful. See upcoming schedule for dates and times. 

Self-Study Format: The self-study course is a self-directed, online, asynchronous course. Beta testing is currently underway and we are accepting students onto a waitlist for this course. All course activities are self-directed assignment and there is no independent study project for the this format, as there are in other formats. There is remote support via email or the internal message system on the course website. A teacher will be assigned to each student who will mark assignments and provide feedback, asynchronously. There are no coaching sessions added to this format but coaching and mentorship can be added on for an additional fee.

Time Commitment: Students typically need the same amount of time for self-directed learning as class time. For example, online course students would set aside 2 hours for class each week, and 2 hours for self-directed learning (this does not include coaching sessions or reading time). In-person/weekend students would need two full days worth of time for self-directed learning each month to match the two full days of class time. All of this readiness and preparedness will be assessed during the interview.